38 research outputs found

    The nature of child-adult interaction : from turn-taking to understanding pointing and use of pointing gestures

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    Analyses of interactions between an adult and a one-year-old child are often connected with studying early communicative competences, e.g. the child’s participation in turn-taking sequences, in joint attention, and use of pointing gestures. Infants’ communicative behaviors were studied using a structured observational measure – the Early Social Communication Scales (Mundy et al., 2003) in a study of 358 12-month-old children. An exploratory factor analysis revealed: (i) a distinction between the categories of initiation and response among the behaviors displayed, (ii) simple and complex behavior categories occurring; (iii) the presence within one factor of behaviors fulfilling various functions (e.g. requesting and sharing interest). An analysis of the results showed that communicative competences can be classified according to their level and ignoring their function, and made it possible to suggest modifications to the way in which behaviors are coded on the ESCS and to complement the procedure of studying early communicative competences

    Change and consistency of self-esteem in early and middle adolescence in the context of school transition

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    Self-esteem is continuous and has stable characteristics, but it may also change, e.g., during transitions from one educational level to the next. In a prospective cross-sectional study over a year and a half, 250 Polish early adolescents (N = 109, 54 girls; mean age at T1 = 12.68 years, SD = 0.49) and middle adolescents (N = 141, 107 girls; mean age at T1 = 15.80, SD = 0.44) were tested three times using Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, assessing both global self-esteem and self-evaluation in eight domains. The change and consistency of self-esteem were analyzed, at both group and individual levels. At the group level, the following results were found: (1) continuity of self-esteem in five domains (scholastic competence, athletic competence, physical appearance, close friendship, and romantic appeal) and in global self-esteem and discontinuity in only three domains (social acceptance, job competence, and behavioral conduct); (2) significant inter-individual variation in the change not explained by age; and (3) higher self-esteem (in five domains) in early adolescents. At the individual level, the stability in most domains was weak, but was restored over the second year at the new school. The complexity of the developmental change and consistency in self-esteem in adolescence was highlighted, emphasizing the need for analyzing both group and individual change

    Waiting for a treat : studying behaviors related to self-regulation in 18- and 24- month olds

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    The ability to delay gratification - conceived as an early expression of self-regulation - develops in the second half of the second year of life. We used inductive methodology to identify different behaviors and set of behaviors performed by children while waiting for a treat. We asked which sets are more effective when it comes to successfully delaying gratification and how all observed sets change during toddler age. 130 children were tested twice - at 18 and at 24 months - using a Snack Delay Task. We observed 20 different behaviors and distinguished 4 sets of behaviors. The most important and effective set for delaying gratification in 18 and in 24 month olds was the set called Attention and Movements. We concluded that growth in the ability to delay gratification resulted from increased ability to overcome temptation by using an active strategy mainly based on attention

    Emotional and attentional predictors of self-regulation in early childhood

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    The development of self-regulation in early childhood is related to development of emotional regulation and attention, in particular executive attention (Feldman, 2009; Posner & Rothbart, 1998). As the ability to self-regulate is crucial in life (Casey et al., 2011), it is important to reveal early predictors of self-regulation. The aim of the paper is to present the results of longitudinal studies on the relationships between the functioning of attention, regulation of emotion and later self-regulatory abilities. 310 children were assessed at three time points. At 12 months of age emotional regulation in situation of frustration and attention regulation were assessed. At 18 and 24 months behavioral-emotional regulation in the Snack Delay Task was measured. Additionally parents assessed executive attention using The Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire when children were 26 months old. Structural equation modelling revealed two different paths to development of self-regulatory abilities at 18 months: emotional (reactive system) and emotionalattentional and only one emotional-attentional path at 24 months. The early ability to focus attention and later executive attention functioning revealed to be important predictors of self-regulatory abilities both at 18 and 24 months of age

    Odkrywanie kompetencji komunikacyjnych niemowląt. Skala Wczesnej Komunikacji Społecznej jako przykład narzędzia pomiarowego

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    The aim of the present analysis is to describe the developmental trajectory of the infant and toddler communicative competencies. Turn-taking, gaze-following, joint attention and pointing gestures are the most important expressions of these competencies that could be measured by the Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS Mundy et al., 2003). We present the results of a research conducted with 358 one-year old children and obtained through the Polish version of this scale (ESCS). The validity and reliability of the Polish version of ESCS proved to be satisfactory. The obtained results were analyzed emphasizing the role of early communicative competencies in the further social, linguistic and cognitive development of a child and indicating the domain of psychological practice where ESCS could be implemented.

    Revealing infant communicative competencies : Early Social Communication Scale as an example of the measurement instrument

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    The aim of the present analysis is to describe the developmental trajectory of the infant and toddler communicative competencies. Turn-taking, gaze-following, joint attention and pointing gestures are the most important expressions of these competencies that could be measured by the Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS Mundy et al., 2003). We present the results of a research conducted with 358 one-year old children and obtained through the Polish version of this scale (ESCS). The validity and reliability of the Polish version of ESCS proved to be satisfactory. The obtained results were analyzed emphasizing the role of early communicative competencies in the further social, linguistic and cognitive development of a child and indicating the domain of psychological practice where ESCS could be implemented

    The comparison between TP53 gene polymorphisms (c.[215G>C]) homozygotes and heterozygotes in Breast Cancer Patients: A clinicopathological analysis

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    Purpose: TP53 is a tumor suppressor gene which participates in regulation of cell cycle check points, DNA repair, and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to compare TP53 germ line gene polymorphisms (c.[215G>C]) wild – type homozygotes GG with heterozygotes GC according to clinicopathological factors.Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 87 (22% TP53 gene homozygotes and 78% heterozygotes) breast cancer patients who were diagnosed and treated in COI in Gliwice. Polymorphism profile was assessed by RFLP-PCR technique.Results: The presence of lobular invasive carcinoma was observed insignificantly more often in homozygotes, especially in the group of patients at the age below 50 years (29% vs. 4%, p = 0.095). Patients being TP53 gene heterozygotes had larger tumor size (T > 2) than homozygotes (16% vs. 5%, p = 0.450). There was observed a tendency to the presence of lymph node metastases (53% vs. 34%, p = 0.182) and higher Ki67 (> 20%) (69% vs. 46%, p = 0.209) in TP53 gene homozygotes. HER2 overexpression was associated with TP53 heterozygotes, especially in the group of patients at the age above 50 years (33% vs. 8%, p = 0.144). A negative receptor status was reported more frequently in homozygotes (43% vs.21%, p = 0.340) in patients with age below 50 years. Similarly higher histological grade G3 was detected more often in homozygotes in patients at the age below 50 years (80% vs. 33%, p = 0.130).Conclusion: TP53 gene homozygotes and heterozygotes differ from each other in respect of clinicopathological factors such as: histological type, lymph node metastases, higher Ki67 (> 20%), histological grade G3, ER/PR status, tumor size (T > 2), HER2 overexpression, cancer in family history and diabetes. Patient’s age was associated with the pathological characteristics of tumor

    Ratunku! or just tunku! : evidence for the reliability and concurrent validity of the Language Use Inventory : LUI-Polish

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    Purpose: To date, there is no tool for assessing early pragmatic development of Polish-speaking children. This study aimed to adapt to Polish a standardized parent report measure, the Language Use Inventory (LUI; O’Neill, 2009, in order to enable cross-cultural comparisons and to use the LUI-Polish to screen for pragmatic development in children 18-47 months of age. We concentrated on the sociocultural and functional adaptation of LUI and aimed to demonstrate its reliability, developmental sensitivity, and concurrent validity. Method: Parents completed an online version of LUIPolish, longitudinally at 3 time points (when the child was 20, 32, and 44 months old). In addition, parents completed the Polish adaptations of the Questionnaire for Communication and Early Language at 22 months and the Language Development Survey at 24 months. Children’s spontaneous speech was assessed at 24 months, and their expressive and receptive vocabulary was assessed at 36 months. Results: All 3 parts of the LUI-Polish (Gestures, Words, and Sentences) showed very good levels of internal consistency at each time point. Significant correlations were observed between all parts of the LUI-Polish at all 3 measurement time points. The expected developmental trajectory was observed for boys and girls providing evidence of its developmental sensitivity for children between the ages of 2 and 4 years: an increase with age in the total score (due to an increase in Words and Sentences) and a decrease in Gestures. Supporting concurrent validity, significant correlations were found between children’s performance on (a) the LUI-Polish at 20 months and the Questionnaire for Communication and Early Language at 22 months as well as the Language Development Survey and spontaneous speech measures at 24 months and (b) the LUI-Polish at 32 months and the 2 measures of vocabulary comprehension and production at 36 months. Conclusion: The Polish adaptation of the LUI demonstrated good psychometric properties that provide a sound basis for cross-cultural comparisons and further research toward norming of the LUI-Polish. Moreover, the expected developmental trajectory in the pragmatic development of Polish children was observed

    Analysis of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation with reference to the chosen examples.

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    Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej jest unijnym instrumentem kooperacji. Powstało stosunkowo niedawno i wciąż napotyka na różne problemy w swojej działalności. Celem mojej pracy jest przedstawienie EUWT jako narzędzia służącego pogłębianiu integracji europejskiej dzięki podejmowaniu "ponadgranicznych" inicjatyw. Praca została podzielona na trzy rozdziały, które po kolei omawiają najważniejsze aspekty tego zagadnienia. W pierwszej części przedstawiona została współpraca terytorialna w Europie, jej rozwój i charakterystyka. Nacisk został położony na działalność Unii Europejskiej w tym zakresie. Drugi rozdział w całości poświęcony jest Europejskiemu Ugrupowaniu Współpracy Terytorialnej - jego strukturze, funkcjonowaniu oraz kluczowym celom i zadaniom, które w dużej mierze opierają się na wykonywaniu projektów dotyczących jednego z bieżących celów polityki spójności, tj. Europejskiej Współpracy Terytorialnej. Trzecia część natomiast skupia się na bardziej praktycznej stronie omawianego ugrupowania i opisuje pierwszy tego typu instrument w Polsce- "TRITIĘ" z o. o., która ma szansę rozwinąć swoją działalność w nowym okresie programowania. Zaprezentowane zostało również pierwsze EUWT w Europie, mianowicie Eurometropolia, która z roku na rok rozwija swoją strukturę, przez co stała się wzorem dla wszystkich podmiotów wyrażających chęć zawiązania tego typu ugrupowania.The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation is a relatively new EU tool facilitating the cross-border cooperation. The aim of that paper is to present the EGTC as an instrument which serves the deepening of the European integration by taking a various above borders initiatives. This paper is divided into three parts. First of them presents the territorial cooperation in Europe, its development and depiction. The emphasis on the EU activeness in that field is placed, especially within the cohesion policy. Second chapter is entirely derived to the introduction of the EGTC. Its structure, functioning are pointed, as well as its goals and tasks. The crucial characteristics of that tool is the implementation of the European Territorial Cooperation projects’ which is the main current objective of the above-mentioned cohesion policy. The last part focuses on the more practical aspect, namely the description of the first EGTC with the participation of the Polish entities - “TRITIA” Ltd. It has a chance to expand its functioning in the new programming period 2014-2020. Furthermore, the oldest grouping in Europe - the Eurometropolis which has been established in 2008 is also discussed. It is still undertaking the different steps towards improvement of its structure. Moreover, it is an excellent example for other partners willing to constitute such an instrument

    The Republic of Kosovo and the issue of recognition of a state in the international arena.

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    Niniejsza praca stanowi próbę analizy dwóch powiązanych ze sobą zagadnień, a mianowicie powstania Republiki Kosowa oraz uznania państwa na arenie międzynarodowej. Koncentruje się ona przede wszystkim na procesie, jaki przeszło Kosowo od czasu pozostawania pod protektoratem międzynarodowym do pierwszych lat istnienia jako państwo. Dlatego analizie poddane zostały kluczowe dokumenty, które kształtowały jego struktury, czyli Rezolucja nr 1244 Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ i Plan Ahtisaariego. Praca składa się z czterech rozdziałów. Pierwszy w sposób teoretyczny opisuje najważniejsze założenia dotyczące uznania państwa. Porusza także kwestie samostanowienia narodów oraz integralności terytorialnej, czyli dwóch przeciwstawnych zasad podnoszonych w dyskusji nad zasadnością uznania Republiki Kosowa. Drugi natomiast zwięźle prezentuje wydarzenia historyczne, które miały wpływ na podejmowane decyzje w sprawie Kosowa. Trzeci w całości poświęcony jest próbom uregulowania statusu prawnomiędzynarodowego tego obszaru, z uwzględnieniem roli Unii Europejskiej w tym zakresie. Czwarty stanowi odniesienie do pierwszego i ukazuje najistotniejsze zagadnienia związane bezpośrednio z proklamacją niepodległości przez Republikę Kosowa oraz jej uznaniem przez inne państwa. Wciąż bowiem pozostaje państwem nieuznanym przez część krajów ,co ma niebagatelny wpływ na jej funkcjonowanie. Wszelkie procesy zachodzące zarówno w sferze zewnętrznej jak i wewnętrznej polityki Kosowa są dynamiczne, co czyni go w dalszym ciągu ciekawym przypadkiem do analizy.The aim of this paper is to present the process of the creation of the Republic of Kosovo within the context of a state recognition in the international arena. The case of Kosovo still remains interesting to analyse. According to the international law is an unrecognised state, although it proclaimed independence in 2008. Thesis focuses on the analysis of the crucial documents which had an influence on development of its structure, namely the Security Council Resolution No. 1244 and the Ahtisaari Plan. The paper is divided into four parts. First of them describes the most important issues connected with the recognition of a state. In the second chapter the depiction of the Kosovo's history is made. Third one is entirely dedicated to the undertaken attempts of the regulation of its legal status. The last part constitutes a reference to the first chapter and demonstrates the chosen problems which are directly related to the proclamation of the independence by the Republic of Kosovo and its international recognition